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Vega Strike - Neue Version

Screenie vom neusten Vega StrikeDas Wing Commander Fan Projekt Vega Strike ist erneut ein Stück weiter gekommen. So hat der Entwickler endlich eine annehmbare Physik implentiert. Weiterhin wurden noch ein paar kleine grafische 'Schmankerl' reingebracht. So glimmen die Antribe bei niedriger Geschwindigkeit nur und ändern auch manchmal ihre Farbe.
Nun fragt ihr euch sicher nur noch: Was ist Vega Strike?.
Wie vorher gesagt, es ist ein Fan Projekt. Im Moment ist es noch nichts anderes als eine 'kleine' Engine, welche aber schon D3D etc. unterstützt. Ihr könnt mittlerweile ene Hornet fliegen,wenn auch aus einer fixen Kameraperspektive, welche auchnoch extern angebracht ist. Die Grafik Engine schaut aber schon mal hübsch aus. Später soll es ein richtiges Wing Commander Game werden. Die Storyline erzählt Geschehnisse vom Krieg im Vega Sektor nach. Ihr erinnert euch sicher daran. Das waren die Geschehnisse in Wing Commander 1. Und hier nochmal der Original Text vom Entwickler:

"I have finally implemented a system to control a starship using realistic physics in space (no air resistance). Note that many people have previously decried "realistic physics" as evil or uncontrollable. I tried them in vegastrike classic, and agreed with the masses. However, upon reading a manual, I was struck with a rather interesting idea...the whole idea behind afterburner slides made me realize: "Wing Commander Physics" == "Real Physics": it's just that in Wing Commander Universe, the computer is smart enough to correct for the lack of oxygen by applying counteractive forces in such a manner that the pilot won't know he's flying in space.
With this in mind, I constructed a system I called "fly by wire" after the AI computer in the F16 Falcon that turns that unflyable craft into a pilotable craft (it would tumble out of the sky)
I designed a method in "real physics" to make it feel like wing commander physics...that brought along with it afterburner slides, missile collision bouncing (like in WC1 and 2) and all sorts of wonderful Wing Commander realisms :-).
So let me pronounce with conviction (and 10 seconds of successful testing) that Realistic Physics are a GOOD thing...because it lets the player have the flexibility of turning off the computer (wow what if the nav computer gets shot) and flying where forces don't get compensated and doing terribly cool maneuvers, and then switching it back on again and seriously having fun fighting just like WC1!
And the last bit of good news: I have a release out! Version 0.0.5 that lets anyone try out Realistic Zero-G no air reistance physics.
Linux users can download the source and data Or, windows users can download an .exe file here.
Sourceforge is having trouble storing the binaries on the project site, so use the above ftp server."

Nachricht veröffentlicht am 15.07.2001 | Kommentare (0)
